The construction sector is globally known as one of the busiest and most complex industries. Its legislation and regulations change frequently, and for a good reason, like health, safety, and environmental factors are constantly improving.

Construction is not a sector that typically demands ISO certification as a minimum requirement. However, with many clients now seeking the reassurance that comes with ISO certification, any business lacking this may find they are left waiting to be commissioned for work.
Construction ranges from small businesses such as domestic electricians and gas engineers to large multi-billion developments such as HS2. However big or small a project is, your business is a critical part of the process, and having your ISO certifications will help you to create a successful project.
With such a vast sector like construction, ISO standards will apply to each of the different sectors of the construction industry in different ways.
Benefits of ISO Certification for Construction Organisations:
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the minimum standard that most construction organisations should aim to achieve. Many councils and public bodies will require you to have ISO 9001 minimum, so you may find your business is restricted to certain works until you obtain this.
By having ISO 9001, you are demonstrating that your business has a Quality Management System (QMS) in place, which means that your business is focused on ensuring you provide high-quality work to your customers and clients.
While many businesses and organisations within the construction industry have been required to have ISO 9001 to receive scopes of work, it has also been proven that once a QMS is in place, it can help you see savings and improvements in the quality of work, and staff morale.
Benefits of ISO 9001 include, but are not limited to:
- Improved contractor management and engagement
- Improved control and awareness
- Reduced snags and business issues
- More efficient work processes
- Greater employee engagement
- Greater brand awareness and recognition
ISO 14001
Many see ISO 14001 as a natural progression for construction organisations. Now that the standard brings life cycle management to the forefront of your business, which is a great advantage to have within the construction industry.
Regulations within construction are constantly changing to bring in updated environmental controls and energy generation, such as solar panel requirements. New build projects are now seeing more and more environmental considerations placed upon them, and having ISO 14001 can help you ensure that those requirements are met.
By having ISO 14001, you demonstrate that you are environmentally conscious and legally compliant.
Depending on our business, the environmental impact will vary across the construction sector, but every business has its part to play. Energy efficiency is a very hot topic, and there is continuously increased pressure for construction companies to get involved.
Benefits of ISO 14001 include, but are not limited to:
- Reduced energy and waste
- Reduced risk of legal breaches
- BREEAM compliance
- Environmental product use
- Greater employee engagement
- Greater brand awareness and recognition
ISO 45001
Construction accounts for 7% of Great Britain's workforce and is one of the most-watched sectors for health and safety incidents. In 2019, there were 79,000 work-related ill health incidents, 30 of which were fatalities.
By having a robust health and safety management system in place, not only are you protecting your staff, but you are also protecting your business. Currently, there is a drive to get the number of workplace incidents down and showing that you have ISO 45001 in place gives confidence to your contractors and clients.
Benefits of ISO 45001 include, but are not limited to:
- Reduced accidents and incidents
- Less time off of work due to ill health
- Reduced risk of prosecution
- Greater employee engagement
- Greater brand awareness and recognition